For urgent help right now:
For help any time:
If you are having a hard time and need someone to talk to, the services below are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week:
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline, powered by yourtown is Australia’s only free and confidential, 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 – 25, whenever you need them, anytime and for any reason.
or freecall 1800 55 1800. Lifeline
You can phone Lifeline to speak to a Crisis Supporter on 13 11 14 (24 hours/7 days), or text 0477 131 114 (24 hours/7 days) or livechat via Lifeline online at
(7pm – midnight, 7 nights). Head to Health
You can call Head to Health on 1800 595 212 from Monday to Friday 8:30-5:00pm to talk to a mental health professional and be connected with supports that best meet your needs.
Not sure what to expect from a helpline? Click here:
How to call a helpline
Other Useful Resources
Reachout | |
Beyond Blue | |
Everymind | |
Find a Professional
There are a number of great resources available to help you find a mental health professional that is right for you
Choosing a mental health professional | |
Find a professional | |
Find a Psychologist | |
Collection of factsheets on professional help | |
Momentum Help Seeking Session
You can find the Momentum Help seeking session in your "Sessions" page.
Technical Help
If you are looking for more technical help, our technical FAQ’s can be found in the information tab on your dashboard.
Your Momentum password
If you've forgotten your password or want to change it, please go to the login screen, click on the "Reset it here" link and enter your email address when prompted. You will then receive an email from the Momentum Team with a one-time link to reset your password.
Make sure you check your junk folder if you don’t receive the reset email. Sometimes school computers won't receive our password reset emails because they may think they’re spam. So, if you're logging on at school, ask your school teacher or school IT department to please add the Momentum email address to your schools accepted email list.
I'm getting a 'forbidden' message when I try to log on to the program
Momentum is only available to people within Australia. If you are logging on from within Australia, please check that you don’t have a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or some other program hiding your location. Your computer’s internet (IP) address must show that you are in Australia for the program to work.